The Impending Hatching of a Baby Snuffleupagus

vasudhas visit 015Oh boy! I bet you didn’t know that Boston is the the only place on earth where snuffleupagus’ are born. Its true and I have chosen the best time to move to Boston too. This year I will be able to witness a once in 50 year event: the hatching of the snuffleupagus’

The big day should be arriving soon. I would guess by the size of the snuffleupagus pods hanging in the trees that it’ll be a matter of weeks.

Of similar curiosity is the recent development that has the trees in the park ozzing smallĀ  plastic containers. I have yet to figure that one out. But my prevailing theory is that the trees are trying to appeal to young people by looking more hip.

Check out the snuffleupagus pods!